Sometimes existing customers want to upgrade their plans from a brand account to a 3PL account. This means most of the data they already need is in ShipHero, so they may not want or need to start from scratch.
NOTE: Before upgrading their account, the customer should schedule a solutions call to discuss the 3PL plan capabilities and features.
The process to upgrade existing brand account:
The customer should sign up for a new account under the 3PL plan.
They should create however many client accounts needed in their new 3PL account (e.g., if they have 5 store connections that they treat as different customers, they should create 5 client accounts). *The customer should not disconnect the store platforms from the original account nor connect them to the 3PL account.
Schedule a time with ShipHero Solutions engineer to transfer data when the customer is not shipping or using the software. Transferring information to a new account takes approximately 15-20 minutes per client. *Best to schedule a time outside regular business hours.