NOTE: This feature is currently being rolled out to all customers, for immediate access to it, please reach out to support.
Inventory replenishment is a critical aspect of managing stock levels efficiently. ShipHero makes the mobile replenishment process easy by using the replenishment minimum, maximum, and increment levels for products within all pickable locations. Replenishment will only be triggered when the pickable inventory goes below the minimum level for all of the pickable locations.
In this article, we cover:
How to Calculate Replenishment Quantities
How to Add Replenishment Levels to Products
Replenishment Terms
Using the Replenishment Min. and Max. Levels together will provide the fulfillment teams with a broader threshold of how many units are available to pick before triggering the replenishment from the inventory teams. Increment Levels provide further control over how SKUs are replenished i.e. case quantities, single units, etc.
- Replenishment Minimum Level - (Currently represented as "replenishment level" in the UI.) Represents the minimum quantity of a SKU in pickable locations throughout the warehouse and is used as a trigger to add the SKU to the replenishment process.
- Replenishment Maximum Level - This represents the maximum quantity of a SKU in pickable locations throughout the warehouse and is used to calculate the quantity required to fill pickable locations as much as possible.
NOTE: If the maximum level is set to 0, the value entered for min will be used as the max.
- Replenishment Increment Level - Specifies the increment in which replenishment should occur. Ensures that replenishment aligns with desired increments for efficient stock handling. If there is not enough to replenish to get to the max, replenish everything, ignoring the increment.
How to Calculate Replenishment Quantities
There are several factors ShipHero takes into account when calculating how much of a SKU needs to be replenished via the mobile app: replenishment maximum, pickable quantity, allocated quantity, increment level, and non-pickable quantity.
We do not trigger replenishment based on allocated quantity unless a single order has more allocated than pickable.
Example 1
- Min= 10
- Max= 50
- Pickable= 15
- Allocated= 20
- Increment= 1
- Non-Pickable= 1,000
In this instance, replenishment is NOT triggered because the Pickable amount (15) is more than the Min (10). The exception would be if the allocated quantity all came from one order, otherwise that order may never get picked.
Example 2
- Min= 10
- Max= 100
- Pickable= 5
- Allocated= 150
- Increment= 1
- Non-Pickable= 1,000
In this example, replenishment is triggered for 95. We subtract the pickable quantity from the Max Replen level: 100 - 5 = 95.
NOTE: There is a setting "Exceed Max Replenishment Level for Allocated Items" that determines if we recommend more than the max to satisfy allocated orders. In this example, if that setting was on, the replenishment quantity would be 145 (150 - 5).
Example 3
- Min= 10
- Max= 100
- Pickable= 5
- Allocated= 150
- Increment= 10
- Non-Pickable= 1,000
In this example, replenishment is triggered for 90: 100 - 5 = 95, but the increment is 10. Since we don't want to exceed the max, the replenishment quantity is 90.
NOTE: If the "Exceed Max Replenishment Level for Allocated Items" is checked, we ignore the increment and replenish the quantity needed.
How to Add Replenishment Levels to Products
Managing the replenishment levels for SKUs is simple and can be adjusted from several areas on the platform, the product details page, in bulk on the Inventory > Products Page, or in bulk via CSV.
Add Replenishment Levels Via the Product Details Page
- Go to > Inventory > Products. Select the Product to be updated.
- Click the Pencil Icon in the details section.
- In the pop-up module, scroll down and enter the quantities for the Minimum, Maximum, and Increment replenishment sections.
- Click Update to save.
Add Replenishment Levels Via the Inventory > Products Page
The feature can be added in bulk.
- Navigate to > Inventory > Products.
- You can check the box to mark all products or check individual products. This will add identical amounts to all the products checked. Click Bulk Edit.
- A pop-up will appear where the information can be added. Click Process.
Add Replenishment Levels Via Bulk Edit CSV
The section will discuss adding the feature using the Bulk Edit CSV process.
- Navigate to > Inventory > Bulk Edit.
- On the bulk edit page, choose the Warehouse from the dropdown, check the box that will be opened in Excel, and Download Products.
- Scroll to the right until you see the heading to input the data for each level.
- Save the changes, then upload the document to the bulk edit page.
If the process is successful, a screen will appear, confirming the upload and showing the CSV list of products.