There are multiple methods for managing your inventory counts, depending on your situation and preference.
Inventory Updates with Static Slotting
OPTION 1: Cycle Counting
This is designed specifically for a warehouse that has started with a mostly accurate inventory stock take and can continue to do rolling inventory counts without shutting down a warehouse or slowing operations. By focusing inventory counting on active SKUs (SKUs that have changing inventory counts due to fulfillment). You can optimize how many SKUs over what time period you want to track. This is the least disruptive approach to track stock levels on your active SKUs.
OPTION 2: Individual SKU update
This is a quick method to update on-hand inventory for each SKU in the Inventory list. Along with that inventory update, you can also include the reasons as to why on hand was changed.
- Using the top menu, click Inventory.
- In the On Hand column, click on the inventory value for the product you want to change.
- An Edit Inventory window will pop up.
- Specify the change to be made to the inventory. For example, if you want to add 5 to the on-hand quantity, enter the number "5". If you want to subtract 5, enter the number "-5".
- Enter the reason for the change in the Reason box below. This is stored in the inventory change log.
- Mark if the product has been counted in full. This will help Cycle Counting (if enabled) prioritize which products to include for counting.
- Click Update.
Inventory Updates with Static or Dynamic
OPTION 3: Inventory Upload CSV
You can run a stock take across your inventory and then upload in bulk via a CSV.
- Using the top menu, go to Inventory > Inventory Upload.
- Click on Upload CSV at the top right-hand side.
- An Upload CSV window will pop up. If a CSV template is needed, click on Download Inventory Template. There will be 5 fields in the template:
- SKU - This is the SKU of product that you will be updating.
- Action - The Action column can contain either 2 values:
- Change - This will add/subtract the number from the Quantity column to your current On Hand.
- Replace - This will replace the current On Hand with the number from the Quantity.
- Quantity - The quantity of inventory that you will be adding, subtracting, or replacing. To subtract inventory, enter a negative number.
- Location - The location that this product exists in.
- Reason - A note that explains why you are changing inventory.
- Save and upload by selecting the file in Choose File and clicking Upload File.
- If you are on a Mac, set format to Windows Comma Seperated (.csv)
OPTION 4: Mobile App Updates
- Using the ShipHero iPad app, click on the tags icon on the left-hand side of the menu, then select Search Products.
- Find a product by SKU, name, or by scanning the barcode.
- Tap on the product to update.
- Click on Edit Inventory.
- Change the On Hand value to the new on hand. If you want to change the On Hand to 10, enter the number 10. If dynamic slotting, edit by bin location, not the overall on hand. You can also select - Adjust + to make the changes.
- Tap Update to save your changes.
OPTION 5: Use ShipHero's API
Finally, to review all of your inventory changes across all SKUs and warehouses, go to Reports > Inventory Change Logs.