ShipHero has been working hard on getting every account to Dynamic Slotting. Dynamic slotting allows product locations within a warehouse to change, allowing for future picking flows and accommodating high inventory turnover. Dynamic Slotting must be enabled for many great features ShipHero offers, such as Wholesale, Putaway, and Lots and Expirations.
NOTE: Assistance is required to enable this feature on the back end of your account. Please follow the outline below to prepare and successfully transition from Static Slotting to Dynamic Slotting.
Preparing for the Switch from Static to Dynamic Slotting
A few things can be done to prepare for the switch to Dynamic Slotting.
- Engage the Customer Success Manager (CSM) assigned to your account. If you do not have a CSM, please contact ShipHero Support. We will provide more information on what to expect and prepare for during the transition.
- Coordinate a time with your contact to complete the transition in your warehouse. This should be when the warehouse is not actively shipping, and all totes are cleared. This should be a Google Meet or Zoom meeting.
- Determine if location types will be needed—pallet, floor, bin, etc. For more about location types, please visit this article.
- Determine if the naming scheme will change and prepare a Location CSV to be uploaded. Please visit our help article on Optimizing your Warehouse Layout for best practices.
Switching From Static to Dynamic Slotting
This section walks through the required steps to change from Static to Dynamic Slotting.
1. Disable ShipHero as the inventory manager for your stores. This will prevent inventory from zeroing out on the store in the following steps.
- Go to > My Account > Stores > Setting > Uncheck "Have ShipHero Manage My Shopify Inventory."
- Save changes.
2. Zero out the On-Hand quantities for your inventory in ShipHero.
- Download product inventory using the Inventory > Bulk Edit template. If multiple warehouses exist on the account, download a bulk edit CSV for each warehouse.
- Download the Inventory Upload template. If multiple warehouses exist on the account, create a separate inventory upload CSV for each warehouse to zero out inventory.
- Copy the information from the SKU column in the Bulk Edit CSV and paste it into the SKU column of the Inventory Upload template.
- On the Inventory Upload CSV, enter replace as the Action value, and change the Quantity value to 0 for all SKUs. When uploaded into ShipHero this will zero out all the inventory in the system. The Reason column can be left blank; however, we recommend entering Switch to DS for your records.
Upload the Inventory Upload CSV for each warehouse as needed. A confirmation will appear that it was successful.
3. Remove all location information from the SKUs in ShipHero.
- Use the bulk edit CSV and remove the information for On Hand, Bin, Overstock Bin, and Barcodes. Once the information is blank, Save the CSV as a different name, so the original bulk edit CSV is not changed.
- Upload the bulk edit CSV to remove all bin and overstock bin locations.
- Use the bulk edit CSV and remove the information for On Hand, Bin, Overstock Bin, and Barcodes. Once the information is blank, Save the CSV as a different name, so the original bulk edit CSV is not changed.
4. Double-check all changes are saved from the previous steps.
- Go to > Inventory > Products.
- Use the sort option for the following columns to ensure that no values/quantities still exist in ShipHero: Bins, Overstock Bins, and On Hand.
5. Request the Dynamic Slotting setting for your account to be enabled by ShipHero Support.
6. Create locations in ShipHero.
Use the Locations template to create locations. My Account> CSV Management. (This option only becomes available once dynamic slotting is enabled.) You can learn more about creating locations by reviewing this article.
7. Assign inventory to locations.
Once locations are created, assign product inventory to the bin locations using the Inventory Upload CSV or ShipHero Mobile. If using the Inventory Upload CSV, each bin location should be inputted in a separate row for the same product.