Over-shipping or under-shipping are common errors in the eCommerce world. Reducing these errors is a prime objective within ShipHero, and we’ve created a feature to help you with just that! Packers can now be required to scan the tote and each item within that tote to fulfill an order. This article explains Tote QA and how to use it.
Why You Should Enable Tote QA
By default, your packing users are not required to QA totes, meaning that scanning the tote will automatically select the items and the next step will be creating the label. While this is a faster workflow in theory, in practice it leaves no safeguard to ensure that the correct quantity or product is being packed in the box. This is how common errors happen.
If Tote QA is NOT Enabled
- The Packer will not be required to scan each individual item in the tote
- It's possible that if there was a picking error, that error will persist through the packing process
- Customers could receive an order with the wrong items or the wrong number of items
If Tote QA IS Enabled
If you decide to require your packers to QA totes, the packer must scan the tote and then scan each item when packing orders. This added step will take a little longer to pack the order, but it will add a layer of redundancy and ultimately reduce errors.
- Packers will first scan the tote barcode and then scan each item in the tote
- Any errors in the picking phase or the packing phase will be caught
- Almost 100% chance that orders will be packed and shipped with no errors
How to Enable Tote QA
To require that a user QA when picking:
- Go to https://shipping.shiphero.com > Users & Roles
- Click the name of the User you want to enable tote QA for.
- Check the Tote QA box under app settings and hit Save.