A serial number is a unique identifier assigned incrementally or sequentially to an item. Serial numbers do not need to be strictly numerical and may contain letters and other typographical symbols or may consist entirely of a character string.
Serial numbers are used to identify the place and time of manufacture, determine the legality of its origin, and identify features of the device, such as color or storage capacity. The serial number is also used for warranty control and version control.
Using the Serial Number product setting in ShipHero will allow you to identify a specific product that was delivered to your customer and the order information it is accompanied with.
How to Enable Serial Number Tracking on a Product
- Go to the Inventory > Products page.
- Select one or multiple products using the checkbox next to each product name.
- Click Bulk Edit.
- Select Yes under Needs Serial Number.
- Click Process.
Allowing Multiple Products to Have the Same Serial Number
If the quantity of the product is more than one, you will be prompted to enter a different serial number for each unit.
By default, the same serial number cannot be used more than once on the same order.
1. To enable this setting, log into your ShipHero account and navigate to Settings.
2. Click on App Settings in the lefthand menu.
3. Scroll down the page until you see the line item "Allow duplicate Serial Numbers in an order."
4. Click on the checkbox and then scroll all the way to bottom of the page and click Save Changes button in the lower righthand corner.
How To Enter a Serial Number
Serial numbers can only be added to a product during the packing stage. When packing from a desktop, if a product requires a serial number, a prompt will appear when packing the item, requiring you to scan or type the serial number of the product being shipped and click. Save
NOTE: Serial number input does not work on Mobile applications.
For more information on reviewing serial numbers and the associated orders, please visit our article on the Serial Number Report.